What’s New at the BATA Foundation? Self-Defense
The BATA Foundation organized a self-defense class for the orphans to feel safe when walking to and from school in a manufacturing town.
Our problem:
Vulnerable girls walking to and from school through a busy manufacturing town. Danger lurks all around them and assaults are unfortunately a fact of life here. As much as we want to shield them from all harm, we can't be with them in all situations.
Our solution:
Martial arts, self-defense classes! It's a fun and energetic way for the girls to get exercise while learning ways in which they can quickly and effectively protect themselves if they find they are in a dangerous situation.
We are blessed to have come across our instructor, Sifu Jaime Cortez, who is a certified Taekwondo instructor and a member of the National Taekwondo Association. Sifu Jaime makes the hour or so journey from Manila to Marikina once a week to instruct our girls in the martial art form called: Wing Chun. He has studied this form in schools throughout London since the age of 9 years old. He brings his expertise and compassion to the BATA Foundation orphanage, and for him we are truly grateful!!
We can always use your help. Donate to the orphanage and support our girls.
Thank you.