Ditch That Nylon Holster
Posted by John McClain on Dec 18, 2023 6 Minute Read
Now and then, while walking around the store or getting gas in my car, I will experience a cringe moment that truly makes me concerned: When I see someone using an extremely soft and foldable nylon-style holster. You know what I'm talking about right? Those cheap squishy holsters that you can buy for $12 that fit all kinds of different firearms. The holsters use some Velcro strap that goes around the back of the gun to keep it secure. Yeah. Those. Let's talk about all the ways these holsters are terrible.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand how the price tag could seem so inviting. I can also see how it may seem like a good idea because of how universal they are, or how they must be more comfortable because they're made of a soft material. I feel, however, that these holsters are extremely dangerous on several levels. These holsters are a danger to the person carrying the gun, as well as the people around the person carrying that gun.
The first thing I want to address is open carry. If you sport a nylon holster, you might want to reconsider open carry for several reasons:
- Nylon Holsters Can Make You a Target – You are a person with a firearm that can stop someone who intends to do the evilest thing a human being can do. Displaying your firearm is a surefire way of making sure that you are one of the first to be targeted. You’re either a potential victim or you’re likely to get it stolen from you and have it end up in the hands of the wrong person. If you think that little Velcro strap is going to keep someone from being able to rip your firearm off your body, you are sadly mistaken. You have now involuntarily armed someone, who has also disarmed you.
- Nylon Holster Can Fold on Themselves – No matter how you decide to carry your firearm, in my opinion, you should be able to holster your firearm with one hand. A nylon holster will only retain its shape if the firearm is being held by it. Once you remove the firearm that nylon holster will then proceed to close in on itself rendering it completely useless if you need to re-holster your firearm safely. You will be forced to use both hands to re-holster your firearm. A holster that can fold on itself means it can fold into any available space, like your trigger guard – which means you can risk a negligent discharge.
- Nylon Holsters are Marketed as “Universal” – This should bring some concern. Most things that are universal are rarely ever excellent at the job they’re made for. Sure, some might be good, but you very rarely will find great. A holster's job is to keep your firearm safe and secure when you’re not controlling it. “Universal” nylon holsters have more play in them than every episode of Bluey – times ten. If you can hold your holster and shake your firearm around inside of it, that is not what you want. You probably hate when your drink can is too small for your cup holder because every time you turn it slides tilts, and spills, so why would you allow your firearm the ability to do the same?
If your biggest argument is that holsters can get expensive, then let's break things down on why that argument is invalid:
- Your firearm alone generally can cost anywhere from $300 to $500 when we talk about your basic striker-fired pistol.
- Most people will buy extra accessories like magazines which can cost an extra $50 to $100.
- You will then spend hundreds of dollars on ammunition to practice and train with that firearm.
- You will pay whatever fee is required to take a CCW course and submit your application for your CCW license.
Now, if you were willing to spend all that money, what is another $50 For a high-quality Kydex holster?
If your next argument is that you don't want to ruin the finish on the gun... then you shouldn’t be carrying that gun with you. That gun should live in your safe, only for you to show off to your friends when they visit. If you are going to carry a firearm with you to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community, you should not care one bit if it gets scratched. The finish on your gun should have absolutely no say when it comes to the firearm you are going to carry with you every day.
On the surface, a nylon holster might seem like a good deal for a great price, but it’s all flash. Nylon holsters' very existence goes against the point of concealed carry. Your firearm is too exposed, putting you and others at risk. They aren’t secure, they fold in on themselves and could cause negligent discharge. Lastly, they can cost you more money in the long run versus investing more in a quality holster that lasts. Don't let the possibility of saving yourself an extra $30 be the reason that a situation can go from bad to much, much worse.