How to Get the Most out of Your 1911


It’s no secret we love 1911s and we want everyone to have a blast with their 1911 each time they take it to the range. 

Here are a few things you can do to get the most out of your 1911:

Make it Your Own

A lot of people like a new 1911 right out of the box but there are those of us who can’t help but tinker a bit. Changing out grips is an easy process with good upside. We all have different hands so the standard wood or G10 grips might not be to everyone’s liking and the impact of simple grip change shouldn’t be underestimated.

If you really want a lot of grip you should look into Hogue’s wraparound grips with finger grooves.

A new set of sights can be another impactful swap-out. For those intending on using a 1911 for home defense or daily carry, a set of night sights can prove worthwhile. Swapping out sights can require a bit of fitting of though.

Take it to the Range

If you have some sort of luxury 1911 that’s made with gold and diamonds, then we could understand leaving it on display or in the safe. Any other 1911 needs to be taken out to the range.

Get out there and put your gun through the paces and don’t be afraid to get it a little dirty. A good range day is the best way to bond with your 1911. Solid groupings and the repeated ringing of bullets hitting steel plates will let know you’ve got a winner in your hands.

Keep It Maintained

Alright, we told you not to be afraid of getting your 1911 dirty but don’t let it stay that way forever. Be sure to give your pistol a good cleaning once it’s seen rigorous use. No gun deserves to rust away.

If you’re not familiar with the takedown and cleaning process we have plenty of pointers to help out.

Warranty Activation

One of the first things you should do when you get a new 1911 is to activate your warranty. This will assure you get the most out of your purchase. Sometimes things break or don’t function as expected. Hopefully, this isn’t the case but activating your warranty and sending your pistol in for repairs will make sure things get corrected and a reliable 1911 in your hands for years to come.

Keep Your 1911 Working Until 2111